We’ve had lots of questions from home composters about where to get more feedstocks to make more compost. The feedstock finder is a new tool we’ve created to help you track down some free (or cheap) bulk feedstocks in the community. All feedstocks listed are the by product of a good or service, so composting them is a great way to divert them from the landfill. Feedstocks are separated into greens and browns to help you easily find what you need.

Some of the feedstocks (paper, straw, coffee grounds) you can get directly from us. Just click the “Reserve Feedstock” button and we will send you an email with pickup instructions. Others (wood chips and shavings) are available from local sources and are listed only for your information. For these feedstocks, there will be prices and instructions for procuring them listed in the descriptions.

This is not an exhaustive list. If you have an organic byproduct that you want help getting rid of (or you know of one), send us an email and we can add it to our list.

This is a new feature on our website, please help us make it more user friendly by letting us know about any issues (compostfbx@gmail.com)

Feedstock Finder

Reserve this Feedstock
Wood Chips
Sold Out
This Feedstock is Not Directly Available Through Compost FBX
Wood Shavings
Sold Out
This Feedstock is not Directly Available Through Compost FBX
Reserve Feedstock
Coffee Grounds
Sold Out
"Reserve Feedstock"


  • Just send us an email at compostfbx@gmail.com. We would be happy to list your feedstock, a brief description, a price (if applicable), and contact and/or pick up instructions. We also may be able to take a bulk feedstock donation and handle the distribution ourselves if necessary.

  • Absolutely! This is a new feature we’ve added to our website so we are still working out the kinks. If you see it listed, there should be some available. Just send us an email letting us know what you want and we can set up a pick up time.

  • No! We included it in case anyone was interested. There are compost calculators available online; however, what’s most important is having a mix of greens (nitrogen rich items) and browns (carbon rich items) but not so much the exact ratio.

  • We took our C:N ratios from the Cornell Waste Management Institute. You may find varying C:N ratios from different sources as it can depend on many factors. We choose a reputable source and included ranges to reflect possible discrepencies.

  • We are working on getting rid of that. Feel free to use the office address (590 University Ave in Fairbanks, AK 99709) to bypass this step. Please do include your email so we can coordinate feedstock pick up.

  • Most of the feedstocks listed are free. Compost FBX will never charge for feedstocks. Any listing with a price is from a business and we have it listed to provide the most comprehensive list we can but we are not suggesting you need to purchase feedstocks for your pile.